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From The Papers

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I will be updating this section as I come across any interesting articles in the media as well as any thoughts and opinions i have on them. Stay tuned for my for my first piece.



Profile: Who am I?
I describe myself as an evangelical-catholic – a student trained in traditional Catholic theology and philosophy who has been enriched with a strong, living  Gospel tradition. How does that happen? It began with a formation in the spiritual life by my mother, with a touch of Irish wisdom from my grandmother. That taught me a faith that is not grounded in our daily living is not faith at all. To this was added a deeper catechismal knowledge via the nuns and brothers at school. Such was their
teaching that I can still recite my catechism by heart when asked. A good foundation. The Franciscans contributed further with their incarnational spirituality. Believing the Son of God became man and lived among us means every aspect of life is a potential source of revelation. For Francis this meant obeying Christ’s command to
“build my church”, a directive I have taken seriously since then. They taught me a daily spiritual discipline that is still a core part of my priestly spirituality. To that spiritual and priestly formation was added training in scripture and exegesis at the hands of the Jesuits. They added a rigour that provided an intellectual and
professional framework for my postgraduate study of the Bible. They gave me a fascination for the Ancient Biblical world and central role of God in all things. The
Bible became a living document written for the people centuries ago but with a vital message for today. To all of this they contributed a disciplined approach to Bible study. Armed with the sword of the Word of God, I ventured into the world of mission and ministry, understanding I was called to collaborate in the ongoing mission of God in the world. It was not about Michael Hough. It is all about God. This was hammered
home through ministry in Papua New Guinea, the Torres Strait, North Queensland and other centres. More recently in a role as evangelist, preacher, and teacher.
What does that all mean for this Web Site? It means I am a pilgrim, a searcher who has a passion for sharing my faith with others and at the same time, learning from them. It is not about qualifications. It is about faith. I believe and want to share what the Spirit has shown to me with other believers. Engaging the world with the Gospel flows from baptism is the mission behind this site. The hope is that by
sharing together we can all grow closer to the Living God and help feed the world. Welcome to HoughonGod


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